How to install DirectAdmin on my server?
2 min readJan 22, 2021

DirectAdmin is a popular control panel based on Linux. Being a great alternative to cPanel, it provides users with full server management, while you can concentrate on developing and running your business.

Getting started

First of all, please, make sure your server meets the system requirements. You may find information on the supported systems by DirectAdmin below. A clean installation is required.

Secondly, check your license. You need to have a licensed IP address of your server. If you have bought the license with us, you have nothing to worry about. It is activated upon the completion of your payment.

Installing DirectAdmin on your server

This installation requires SSH access. Please sign in to your server through SSH (as root - privileged user). In order for the installation process to be more stable, we recommend you to install DirectAdmin within a screen session. This way, even if network disruption occurs, the session will stay active.

Let’s install screen if it’s not installed yet. Use the following command for CentOS:

yum -y install screen

If you have Debian-based Linux distribution, then use this command:

apt-get -y install screen

Now you need to create a screen session. Run the command below.


When the session has been created, run the following command:

wget -O && chmod 755 && ./ auto

The installation will begin shortly. If for some reason the network disrupts, once again, sign in to the server with SSH and then type screen-r to enter the screen session.

Accessing your DirectAdmin control panel

Use this URL to access the control panel upon the installation is completed: http://{YOUR_SERVER_IP}:2222

As you can see, the installation process is quite easy, however, if you encounter any problems with the installation of DirectAdmin on your VPSBG server, do not hesitate to contact us for assistance. On a side note, every server bought with a DirectAdmin license comes with installed DirectAdmin on it.


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